About Burnham Parish Council
There are 142 Town and Parish Councils in Buckinghamshire, with Burnham being one of the largest Parishes.
At full capacity the Council has 19 Councillors representing 3 different wards.
The day to day running of the Council is delegated to the Parish Clerk, who in turn is supported by 3 full time officers.
Additional staff include 3 groundsmen and a further team in Burnham Park Hall, lead by the General Manager.
Ensuring that we provide our services safely, ethically and legally is the Council’s main objective. The policies and procedures we implement help us achieve all of this and guarantee our work is completed to the highest standard.
We regularly review all of our policies and procedures to ensure that Burnham Parish Council and its projects run smoothly. Links to our policies and procedures can be found here.
It is important to know the people who make the decisions on how the Council is run. Your elected councillors are always looking to maintain and improve Burnham as well as promote local issues. Find out who your councillors are, what they do, and how to contact them here.

Burnham is represented by 2 different councils: Burnham Parish Council and Buckinghamshire Council. It can be difficult to know who to turn to when you have a problem. This list should help direct you to the right place for common issues.