On Monday 15th March 2021 Burnham Parish Council declared a climate emergency and pledged to working towards net zero carbon by 2030.
We have now expanded out Burnham Climate Emergency Working Group into the Sustainability, Ecology and Climate Emergency Working Group, informally known as the Eco Group, and will be continuing to work on a variety of environmental projects. The terms of reference for the group can be found at the bottom of the page.
In 2023 all aspects of Council operations were audited in relation to their 'green' credentials, this audit can be seen here.
To calculate your our carbon footprint please click here. The average household in the SL1 postcode has a estimated carbon footprint of 14.8 tonnes, the 2022 UK emissions target is currently 10.5 tonnes per household.
If you would like to get involved please or if you would like to suggest a project for consideration please get in touch.
Burnham Parish Council gratefully acknowledges the funding received from Burnham Beeches Community Board, part of Buckinghamshire Council, which enabled the eco audit to take place.
Actions taken so far include:
Reduced energy consumption in Burnham Park Hall by 10%
Switching over to LED use to reduce power use
Planting 200sqm of wildflowers at the George Pitcher Memorial Ground
Planting additional trees
Switched all cleaning products at Burnham Park Hall to a line made with plant based, environmentally friendly ingredients.
Moved the electricity contract for all street lighting to a 100% green renewables contract.
Upgraded old inefficient refrigeration at both Burnham Park Hall and Pitchside.
Installed a bike rack at the Pavilion at George Pitcher Memorial Ground.
Increased both Council and public recycling options at Burnham Park Hall.
Purchased a more energy efficient infrared heater for BPH reception.
'Pigeon proofed' the solar panels at the George Pitcher Memorial Ground to increase efficiency of the panels.
Installed thermometers in all rooms at BPH for more accurate temperature monitoring.
Switched all office paper to 100% recycled.
Sustainability, Ecology, and Climate Emergency Working Group
Terms of Reference
The Working was originally established as the Climate Emergency Working Group, after
Burnham Parish Council declared a climate emergency on 15th March 2021.
In June 2024 BPC resolved to expand the remit of the group to cover wider environmental issues, and to rename it the Sustainability, Ecology and Climate Emergency Working Group
To coordinate action towards making Burnham a sustainable community, by making Burnham Parish Council Net Carbon neutral before 2030 and working to stop nature loss.
To take actions towards the General Duty of Councils to conserve and enhance biodiversity under the Environment Act 2021.
To work with other organisations and stakeholders in Burnham Village towards the same aims.
To investigate all possible sources of external funding and match funding to support this commitment.
The Working Group shall consist of up to 8 members; at least 3 of these are to be Burnham Parish Councillors chosen by Full Council.
Membership and quorum
The Working Group may co-opt other members as appropriate, including non-councillors, to join the group.
Quorum will be 3 Parish Councillors.
The Working Group shall elect a Chair; and the Clerk, or another staff member designated by them, shall act as the Secretary and shall offer appropriate advice.
Reporting and spending
The Working Group will report to each meeting of the Full Council, and may make recommendations directly to Full Council.
The Working Group will send items to committees for their consideration as appropriate.
The Clerk will seek the view of the Working Group on the expenditure of any grant funding, in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.