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Full Council


The Full Council meetings are meetings of the whole corporate Council body of 17 Councillors. It usually meets on a Monday evening every 6 weeks and is responsible for overseeing the work of the committees, making key decisions that cannot be delegated, and reviewing major strategic or financial matters.


Please click on an underlined date to view available Agenda/Minutes.​

2024-25 Meeting Agendas

2023-24 Meeting Agendas

2022-23 Meeting Agendas

2024-25 Meeting Minutes

2023-24 Meeting Minutes

2022-23 Meeting Minutes

2021-22 Meeting Minutes

2020-21 Meeting Minutes

2019-20 Meeting Minutes

2018-19 Meeting Minutes

2017-18 Meeting Minutes

2016-17 Meeting Minutes

2015-16 Meeting Minutes

2014-15 Meeting Minutes

2013-14 Meeting Minutes

2024-25 Meeting Pack

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting takes place each year, between 1st March and 1st June.


The meeting is an opportunity for local groups to report back to residents on their work over the past year, and for residents to raise and a take a poll on any local issues.


Confusingly, the Annual Parish Meetings is not a council meeting, (although, even more confusingly, it’s organised by the Parish Council, and the Chair of the Parish Council has to preside at the meeting if they are present).


Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes

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