Cllr Carol Linton

Committee membership: Planning Committee, Recreation and Amenities Committee, Policy and Resources and Burnham Park Management Committee.
Outside bodies membership: - Beeches Community Board and subcommittees, Stoke Common and Burnham Beeches Consultancy Group, Burnham Patient Participation Group (and various NHS consultative groups), Burnham Youth Club
I moved to Burnham in 1973 because it offered access to jobs, affordable housing and nearness to the countryside. It is that balance of work and play that I believe is so important for Burnham village. For that reason, in 2018, I joined the original team working on the Neighbourhood Development Plan which aims to provide a local framework which planners must adhere to.
My children still live locally. They were educated in local state schools, and both work in education. I am passionate about providing the support and facilities for all children to learn and achieve to the best of their ability. Since the 2019 closure of non-selective secondary school in Burnham, I engaged with parents on the impacts of local and national educational policies. I am secretary and volunteer at Burnham Youth Club to provide an informal space for them learn and relax.
My working life (in Integrated Supply Chains and Finance) involved identifying issues, designing and agreeing improvements, and overcoming a natural reluctance to implement change. The improvements were often IT-related but the implementations were always down to human interactions. I was managing the whole suite of IT systems across Europe for a multinational company when I retired.
As a councillor and campaigner, I listen to residents and try to understand the issues that need to be overcome and what will work.