Cllr Lindsey Chatralia

Committee membership: Recreation and Amenities Committee and Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Outside bodies membership: Burnham Lent Rise Ward
Biography: I was born in Islington and have lived in many places across England, before moving to Burnham in 1997. This was to access good quality primary and secondary education for our two children. One of them has moved back into the area and my grandchildren access under 5 provision locally. One lives in Hampshire. I'm a retired teacher who has worked in secondary and primary schools, as an SEN support teacher and finally Head of an Education Service, all within a London Borough.
I wanted to become a Councillor to make a difference and become more involved in the local area. I really like the idea of being a voice for the community, to act on local issues and ensure the community's needs are met across all age groups. Also, that Burnham is a safe, happy and healthy place for everyone. I'm enjoying the challenge of developing my expertise as a Councillor, and working with Burnham residents and the Parish Council. It's been a short but exciting journey so far.