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Dear Residents of the Chiltern & South Bucks Districts,

As your Neighbourhood Inspector, I am keen to address recently voiced concerns, as to a rise in local burglary offences. Whilst I had aimed to hold a ‘hybrid’ meeting, with options for either in-person or virtual attendance, logistical complexities have prompted me to set aside this plan, and host an entirely “virtual” meeting; hosted on Microsoft Teams. I have made this decision with a mind to expediency, and with the intention of informing the community in the most timely fashion.

As I am a resident of South Buckinghamshire, myself, I have set the agenda for the event, according to that which I would want to know. This will firstly consist of a presentation of our current crime picture; delivered by my colleague, Detective Inspector Lucie Clarke. This will seek to inform residents of where offending has been happening, and the nature of offending. Next, I will present on what the police are doing to tackle this issue, and providing some personal pointers on home security measures. Lastly, we will open the floor for questions about burglary, and my colleagues and I will seek to provide you with answers.

I appreciate that some would have preferred an in-person meeting, and I apologise that this has not been possible at this time. Considering the region that I wish to include, any chosen location was unlikely to be geographically convenient to all. This method allows me the widest reach, and affords you all the convenience of attending from the comfort of your own home. For those less acquainted with a virtual meeting, I would recommend that you mute your microphone and disable your video camera, unless having an active speaking part: The Microsoft Teams platform holds obvious associated icons (camera and mic), which you can toggle. Questions can be raised by either entering text into the chat bar (speech bubble icon), or raising your hand (open palm). All of these icons appear on the top bar of the screen when in the meeting.

The event will take place at 19:00 hours (7pm) on this Thursday, 1st December. I expect the meeting to last approximately an hour and a half. For those unable to attend on the night, I intend to record the meeting, so others can still gain value from it, afterwards. You are very welcome to share this event to any for whom it might hold interest, and dependent upon the level of uptake, adherence to the video etiquette described above, will become increasingly important. By attending the meeting, your agreement to featuring within the recording is implied, as is your decorous conduct. We retain the discretion to eject those who fail to meet these expectations.

Below, you will find a hyperlink, by which you can access the event. I look forward to seeing you there.


Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Meeting ID: 313 377 969 473

Passcode: 7HYKLC

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Learn More | Meeting options


Kind Regards,

James Ellis | Neighbourhood Inspector | Amersham and Taplow

P3192 | South Buckinghamshire LPA | Twitter @TVP_SouthBucks


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