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Village Stories - Claire Fuller Creative Writing Workshop - a part of the Village project coming to Burnham


Dear Burnham!


We are looking forward to seeing many of you on Saturday 22nd of September 2- 4pm for the special Village photograph with Theo Clinkard and Camilla Greenwell on Burnham Highstreet.

If you haven’t signed up for that, and would like to, please see the attached info and complete and return the form. Alternatively you can complete an online form link HERE 

We want the photo to reflect the diversity and varied interest groups such as sports and social clubs. If you have signed up then we will soon send you information to prepare for the photoshoot.


Invitation to join an Open “Flash Fiction” Writing Workshop with Author Claire Fuller- Village Stories


Alongside the Village photograph project, Burnham will host a guest writer who will run writing workshops with the community of Burnham.

Burnham's guest writer is Costa Award winning author Claire Fuller


Claire is leading a FREE 2-hour open workshop 

at Burnham Library on Saturday 21st September 1.30pm- 3.30pm

There are *20 places available so please book your place quickly to avoid disappointment. 

To book click the Eventbrite Ticket link HERE


Claire will also write a story about Burnham


Burnham Village Stories FAQ  - Please see the FAQ


Q. What is Flash Fiction?

A. Flash Fiction is a short piece of writing typically a few hundred words long.


Q. Is there a cost to the workshop?

A. The workshop is free to take part, thanks to support from Burnham Foundation and Burnham Beeches community board


Q. What will we be writing about?

A. Claire asks you to bring photographs of Burnham and your memories


Q. Why are you running the workshops?

A. Claire is Burnhams’ guest writer as part of the Village Photographic project. The idea is to uncover different perspectives on Burnham and reveal the amazing creativity in the community. Claire will also be writing about Burnham


Q. Do I need to have written anything before ? 

A. No, but if you are a writer then please feel free to join too.


Q. If I struggle to write can I still join?

A. Yes. You could record your story instead.


Q. What is the age limit for the workshop?

A. 14 +


Q. What will happen to the writing the community creates?

A. We will make available stories online and will curate a selection for a written publication. 


 If you need further information, please get in touch with me, Ursula White (Stories Engagement Producer)



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